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Bible Prophecy Conference September 24-25, 2022

Red Lion Faith Chapel is excited to welcome Pastor Billy Crone as he presents our Prophecy Conference September 24-25, 2022.  Pastor Billy Crone is the founder of Get a Life Ministries, which is renowned for spreading the gospel through media outlets.  By aligning the current political, social, and scientific climates to Biblical prophecy, Billy Crone strives to reach the lost and encourage the the church in anticipation of Jesus' return.

Red Lion Faith Chapel presents
Pastor Billy Crone

Saturday, 24 September 2022
7:00 PM   Transhumanism and the End of Humanity

Sunday, 25 September 2022
9:30 AM   The Purpose of the Rapture
11:00 AM The Coming Great Apostasy


Bob Ulrich from Prophecy Watchers said, "For many years we've shared people's frustration about churches that don't teach Bible Prophecy. It seems that many of the pastors either don't know the subject all that well, or don't want to "divide" their church. So the story goes. Let me tell you about a church in New Jersey that has embraced Bible prophecy, Red Lion Faith Chapel in Southampton, NJ, halfway between Philadelphia and the Jersey Shore. Their former pastor, Jim Ryder, began to teach the pre-tribulation rapture and he started the ball rolling, creating excitement in the church. Then he did the unimaginable ... he invited Pastor Billy Crone to come and preach at the church and attendance began to boom. Bible prophecy became a favorite subject on Sunday nights! The Prophecy Watchers magazine started to appear in the church as people began to embrace the subject. Even more exciting, the people loved the sound Bible teaching they were receiving from the pulpit and now they're eagerly looking for the Lord! Why am I telling you this?


Billy Crone is coming back to Red Lion Faith Chapel on Saturday and Sunday, 24-25 September. It would be awesome if our friends back east flooded into that small church and supported the work there. If you've never heard Billy speak, you are in for a real treat." 


Join us at Red Lion Faith Chapel for our  Prophecy Conference featuring Pastor Billy Crone of Get a Life Ministries. This two day conference is open to the public, and attendance is free. The conference will start Saturday Evening at 7:00 PM -Sunday Morning starting at 9:30 AM, and will focus on Bible prophecy in the context of contemporary scientific developments and global current events.  


The church is easy to find. The NJ Turnpike takes you to Route 73 in Mt Laurel, which takes you to Route 70 just a few miles away. The church is just a short distance off of Route 70. It's just a few minutes from towns like Cherry Hill, Marlton, Medford, Voorhees and Mt. Laurel, Bob's old stomping grounds.




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